Time Again for Ticks and Buzzards

======  This post was composed in  early April, 2015

In both 2013 and 2014 the first ticks of the year tasted by blood during the first week of April. They seem to be a little early this year – I saw the first tick on my coat sleeve on March 25.

Although I have tried various methods to discourage the ticks from being so friendly…., they still manage to defy all defensive measures. Perhaps sprays, lotions, and consumption of garlic have some effect, but, as in previous years I expect to find ticks every time I take a shower after being out on the farm from now until late August or early September.

But not all is so droll.  Among the various plants that are waking up in the warmer weather the elderberry bushes are reaching for the sky. They have leaves about and inch long – see the two pictures. Although I am learning how to prune pecan and chestnut trees, I need to read up on pruning elderberry bushes too.elderberry_1elderberry_2

After the cold days of Winter the buzzards(turkey vultures) also appeared last week. They should have a plentiful food supply as the deer, rabbits, and squirrels continue to loose their game of dodge against the automobiles.

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Attempting to grow pecan and Chinese chestnut trees in Linn County, Kansas.