Nekkid Ladies Return Right on Time

Although the timing of events this year has been somewhat different than previous years, the pink ladies came back this Summer right on schedule at the end of July/beginning of August. Here is a photo of a populated fence row.

And, here are a couple more photos.


Pecan Tree Problems This Summer

Although a few trees usually die during the first two years after transplanting from pots to the field, a number of trees that were four years old died this last Winter. In most cases the graft died and the root stock sprouted new growth. But, on three Lakota trees that were planted in October, 2014, a relatively large limb that grew from near ground level on the trunk died, and the upper portion of the tree stayed alive as shown in the next two photos.

Another problem occurs when birds land at or near the top of the tree and break off the top. I do like to have birds in the orchard because they eat insects. But, when trying to train a central leader on each tree, this occurrence is frustrating.

Name That Bug

In the middle of July I noticed a rather large bug – about 1.5 inches long. When I picked it up and turned it over it hardly responded. Poking its underside elicited a few kicks of its feet. Here is the view from above.

And, here is the underside.

And, here is another bug that is about six inches long.

See links:

Mullein Pest

Back in June when the mullein plants popped up, most of the heads were affected by some kind of bug that chomped away on the head and some of the top leaves. Here are two photos. 


A more normal mullein head would be like the following.